In December we cooked with Green Christmas Vegetables. I found a new variation on an old favorite and it’s now the new favorite. No doubt you are familiar with the Broccoli Salad that has been serving us all nicely for years and years. It’s one of Mark’s favorites, so if I don’t make it often enough, he stops by the deli and picks some up. While I like the old variation just fine, raw broccoli can sometimes not set well in my tummy so I was eager to try this new variation which uses roasted broccoli instead of raw broccoli. Here is a link to this new variation should you wish to try it for yourself:
The ingredients: Broccoli, Red Onion, Mayonnaise, Honey, Cider Vinegar, Salt, Pepper, Bacon, Dried Cranberries, and Almonds (the only substitution I made was using walnuts instead of almonds because that’s what I had and we like those a lot).
The little bits of charred edges on the broccoli bring a whole new dimension to the flavor profile of this salad. An added plus is that it goes so nicely with the bacon pieces. The recipe is simple and easy, mostly a matter of assembly (probably why it has been so popular over the years). The Air Fryer roasts/chars the broccoli perfectly in five minutes. I am constantly using the Air Fryer for roasted vegetables so I don’t need to heat up an entire oven.
To see what the others made with their Green Christmas Vegetables, you can click on the members’ blogs listed here: Peggy, Margaret, Ulrike, Nancy, Donna.
Next up is Carrots, posting date on January 1st. If you would like to join in, just leave a link to your post in any of the comment sections of the participants and we will come and see what you made!