This is our fourth recipe for the Sunday cooking group Weekend in a French Kitchen cooking from Mimi Thorisson's A Kitchen in France: A Year of Cooking in My Farmhouse, Red Berry Barquettes, found on page 132.
The ingredient list: flour, sugar, salt, egg yolks, butter, cranberry jelly, water, and red summer berries.
A few years back I was blogging in a group that was working on baking through Nick Malgieri's Modern Baker cookbook, the leader of the group decided that we were going to do the recipes in order as they appeared in the book. I wasn't too keen on that idea at the time as it meant I had a whole lot of tarts all in a row week after week, both savory and sweet. The result was that I learned to make tarts quickly and efficiently and with great confidence. When we completed those sections, I have to say, I felt like I could make a fairly good tart at a moment's notice. Making them over and over like that gives you a real feel for dough and sizing.
I have about every size tart pan you can imagine (the good French ones) but I do not have any barquette pan molds (click here) and I didn't realize until now that I was ever going to want some, but want some, I do. I'm trying to resist ordering them special just because to be honest, how often am I really going to use barquette molds? On the other hand, if I have them, then I would think of ways to use them, right? You can see the massive justification that accompanies my decisions on baking pans (and why I have a whole linen closet full of them). So I made these little tarts in small individual 4" tart pans as that is the size that works for the guys feeling they have had a decent portion of dessert, anything smaller and they feel they need two or more of them.
The recipe is simple, make the dough, bake the little tarts, paint the inside of the tarts with a thinned out version of jelly, place in the fruit, and glaze them with some more of the thinned jelly. Oh, and if you are at our house, the requisite whipped cream on top, what can I say, the guys like what they like. Delicious. Definitely worthy of a repeat.
If you would like to see how the others fared, click here and follow the links. Next week's recipe is Almond Gazpacho, page 85.