The 39th recipe I made for the Cook the Book Fridays group using the Everyday Dorie cookbook by Dorie Greenspan is Slow-Cooker Brisket with Carrots and Sweet Potatoes, it can be found on page 151.
Ingredients: carrots, canola oil, onions, garlic, celery, salt, pepper, beef brisket, red wine, diced tomatoes, prunes, bay leaf, star anise, paprika, and sweet potatoes.
Slow Cooker recipes are standbys in the winter around here, the crockpot gets put away when spring comes around and the grill gets wheeled out until winter sets in again, so they each have a season of their own without much overlap. This recipe was easy to put together…gather all the ingredients and toss them in the pot. After a day of slowly cooking, all one needs to do is assemble in on the plate and move into the dining room. It’s like having a private chef.
Flavors in this brisket are very nice, all the usual suspects and then a few others thrown in for additional depth and some interesting flavor notes. We served it over mashed potatoes because that's Mark's favorite way to eat a roast. It was very good. Definitely a repeat-worthy recipe, everyone here loves a roast dinner in winter, leftover are good either warmed up or made into beef stew.
To see what others in the group made this week, click here, for the Cook the Book Fridays link. We don't publish recipes from the book here in deference to the author, but the author has been generous and you can find many of them online.