The 43rd recipe I’ve made for this group is Pork Chops with Sweet Potato Colcannon and can be found in the Whole30 Fast & Easy cookbook on page 62. Margaret's post is here.
Ingredients: sweet potato, ghee, Swiss chard, leek, salt, black pepper, and pork chops.
These pork chops are good, but the vegetables really shine in this recipe. Such an easy recipe for sweet potatoes, chard, and leek with just salt and pepper and a very small amount of ghee. The pork chop was a bit large so I cut mine and ate only was all still a very filling meal. I would definitely make this one again.
As usual here on this blog, I do not publish recipes that belong to others, respecting their rights as authors. Many times the recipe creators are generous and publish them online, or you can buy the book I that I have cited and have all the recipes at hand.