The 55th recipe I made for the Cook the Book Fridays group using the Everyday Dorie cookbook by Dorie Greenspan is Granola-Topped Squash and Root Vegetable Gratin, it can be found on page 230.
Ingredients: potatoes, squash, celery root, salt, pepper, hot honey, olive oil, broth, and granola.
This is one of those happy circumstances where I had everything on hand for this recipe and needed a side dish, so it was time to make it as a rewind as the group made it back on November 25, 2022. We had cooked potatoes, squash, and celery root on hand so that cut the preparation time down by quite a bit. After assembling in a baking dish and cooking it for a half hour, then another five minutes to brown the granola after placing it on top, it was ready to serve with Friday night’s salmon. I’m not sure I would make this again, it was good, but the process is a bit much for my style (unless it just so happens I have all three vegetables cooked and ready to go again). She gave a choice of maple syrup, honey, or hot honey…I didn’t think two seconds before settling on the hot honey. The hot honey turned out to be a very good choice, gave it all a bit of a kick, yum.
To see what others in the group made this week, click here, for the Cook the Book Fridays link. We don't publish recipes from the book here in deference to the author, but the author has been generous and you can find many of them online.