This week in the Good Friends Good Food theme of Season of Thanksgiving, we all chose whatever we liked as a new dish for our Thanksgiving tables this year. I chose Carrot and Kale Vegetable Saute. Here is the recipe I used for it if you would like the recipe to make it for yourself: click here.
The ingredients: bacon, carrots, butternut squash, poblano pepper, red onion, smoked paprika, salt, pepper, plum tomatoes, and kale.
This past week I was able to get carrots, butternut squash, peppers, onions, a few lingering tomatoes, and kale at my local farm CSA…all fresh… all featured in this recipe, a match just waiting to be made. This is such a great dish, it does not take long to make and has so many vegetables in a wonderful combination. In a big dish it all just looks like a bountiful Thanksgiving, perfect for the Thanksgiving table, although I’m not just saving it for Thanksgiving as this is something we would enjoy regularly. I love all the bright colors, each vegetable shines on its own, and the smoky taste from the paprika and bacon brings a warmth to the season. It's a tasty side to have at hand. Definitely on repeat status.
To see what the others made with their Season of Thanksgiving theme, you can click on the members’ blogs listed here: Peggy, Margaret, Ulrike.
Next up is Season of Advent (pick a new recipe that reflects the coming of the holidays and celebrations, it can be absolutely anything you like), posting date on December 3rd. If you would like to join in, just leave a link to your post in any of the comment sections of the participants and we will come and see what you made.