This week in the Good Friends Good Food theme of Vegetables, we all chose whatever vegetable we could find fresh at the end of the season, I chose Rainbow Chard. Here is the recipe I used for Chard with Bacon-Citrus Sauce if you would like the recipe to make it for yourself: click here.
The ingredients: bacon, rainbow Swiss chard, orange juice, butter, orange zest, salt, and pepper.
We can get fresh chard in the spring and a second planting in the fall here, it’s one of my favorite greens so I cook with it a lot, and believe it or not, I usually eat it with an egg more times than not for breakfast. This looked like a fine idea for breakfast…you know, egg, bacon, orange juice…chard. It was everything I hoped, absolutely delicious and easy as well. Definitely a repeat.
To see what the others made with their Season’s End Fresh Produce, you can click on the members’ blogs listed here: Peggy, Margaret, Ulrike.
Next up is Season of Thanksgiving (pick a new recipe for your Thanksgiving table, it can be absolutely anything you like), posting date on November 19. If you would like to join in, just leave a link to your post in any of the comment sections of the participants and we will come and see what you made.