This week in the GFGF theme of Vegetables, Peggy chose Sweet Potatoes. Here is the recipe I used for Breakfast Hash with Sweet Potato, Plantain, and Spinach if you would like the recipe to make it for yourself: click here. (To give you an idea of the size of the pieces, this is a small dinner service bread plate.)
The ingredients: Sweet Potato, olive oil, plantain, red bell pepper, onion, mushrooms, spinach, garlic, salt, pepper, pepitas, and optional hot sauce and/or sour cream for serving.
When I was a child, I would never eat any sort of Hash. After all, one never knew exactly what was in it and there were way too many ingredients touching in a small space. I’m still pretty much that way, but I do like dishes that have ingredients that I like that can be moved about so that you can make small piles of the various things and eat them that way. This is one of those dishes, full of good vegetables with lots of color, a nice inviting way to start the day or to serve as a side dish with any sort of meal. I would never call it Hash, however…Hash just doesn’t sound right.
This recipe doesn’t take long to make, most of it is in the chopping of the vegetables. I find chopping vegetables rather relaxing actually. One ingredient can be cooking while you chop the next and so forth, and in the end you have a lovely colorful healthy plate of food. The flavors are delicious, the various ones popping up throughout. The optional hot sauce and sour cream give it a bit of excitement if you like dressing it up a bit. All in all, a lovely thing to do with Sweet Potato and her friends. Definitely worthy of a repeat.
To see what the others made with their Sweet Potatoes, you can click on the members’ blogs listed here: Peggy, Margaret, Ulrike.
Next up are Vegetables featuring Parsnips chosen by Ulrike, posting date on October 8. If you would like to join in, just leave a link to your post in any of the comment sections of the participants and we will come and see what you made.