This past week we cooked with Carrots. Several years ago we discovered that we love Carrots with Mustard. It wasn’t something we had ever tried before, and I’m not really sure how it came about, but I’m guessing that I must have seen a recipe for carrots and mustard somewhere and remembered it. So now, quite often, we have carrots and mustard and it is quite tasty.
The ingredients: Carrots, Stone Ground Mustard, Butter, Salt
There really isn’t a recipe as such…I just steam carrots until they are nicely tender, put in a little pat of butter, maybe a teaspoon for the amount of carrots you see here, and then start adding the stone ground mustard until it looks right to me. I taste it and then add just a little sprinkle of salt if needed.
Really, the only reason I chose to post this dish is that I thought it might encourage you to try carrots and mustard (please don’t use the bright yellow kind of mustard but Dijon works nicely if you don’t have stone ground around). We are mustard lovers here and as I count, we have 11 different kinds of mustard in the refrigerator at the moment with another couple lying in wait in the pantry. Carrots and mustard are a great combination.
At Christmas I was gifted this beautiful cutting board you see in the photo by my friend Ellen. Her husband Allen made it for me. It’s so beautiful that I haven’t used it as a cutting board yet…and decision is still pending whether I will actually be able to do so anytime soon because I don’t want to mar it, so right now it’s Kitchen Art and I am using it in various other ways. All the woods are special as they were grown on their farm in Iowa…oak, cedar, largo pine, poplar, cherry, bass wood, and arborvitae. My apologies to Allen as my first photo with it here is one of carrots, a vegetable that Allen doesn’t care for at all. I will do better in the future.
To see what the others made with their Carrots, you can click on the members’ blogs listed here: Peggy, Margaret, Ulrike, Donna. I think Ellen and Nancy are sitting this one out.
Next up is Greens (Collards, Mustard, Turnip, etc.), posting date on January 15th. If you would like to join in, just leave a link to your post in any of the comment sections of the participants and we will come and see what you made!