My 139th recipe with the Wednesday with Donna Hay group is Gourmet Pork Burgers with Blue Cheese, was chosen for the theme this week, Cheesy Delights, and is found in Donna Hay's book Simple Dinners on page 130. (Please note that my photography skills are sadly lacking and for some reason things always look darker, these were perfectly done to a nice brown color, not blackened, and the caramelized onion relish underneath the burger was also just a lovely shade of brown, so employ your imaging skills this week, thank you.)
The ingredient list: bread crumbs, milk, ground pork, quince paste, rosemary leaves, salt, pepper, caramelized onion relish, lettuce leaves, blue cheese, and buns.
This recipe caught my eye this week as Mark was thinking we should have something with pork (Mark is always thinking we should have something with pork actually). I saw this pork burger with the blue cheese and thought it would also qualify nicely for the Cheesy Delights theme, what could make something more delightful than a big slice of flavorful cheese perched on the top?
We made sliders instead of full-size burgers as with pork it seems we do much better with the smaller versions as we tend to be able to correctly get the timing right without ending up with a dry burger, sometimes with the larger ones we aren't so great at guessing when they are actually done in the middle and they sail off into "overdone" territory. These were moist, flavorful, and quick. By the time I capped them off, the cheese on top was melted nicely and I thought about retaking the photo but truly, we just wanted to eat them at that point, so there you have it. One of these with a small salad and some oven sweet potato fries is all you need for a quick, easy, and filling dinner. They were delicious. Definitely a repeat.
Wonder what the others made? You can find that by clicking here. Next week's theme is I've Got a Sweet Tooth. Join us and leave a link to your post at the website, no commitment required.