The sixty-third recipe I made with the Eating with Ellie group is Chicken with Tomato-Onion Chutney, can be found in Ellie Krieger's book Weeknight Wonders, on page 153, and was chosen by Margaret for the theme Eat More Chicken.
Ingredient list: onion, garlic, canola oil, mustard seeds, ripe tomatoes, dried apricots, tomato paste, cider vinegar, dark brown sugar, salt, pepper, cumin, ground coriander, and chicken breasts. I tossed on some parsley just for color and fun and because my herb pots are full of green goodness at this time.
This is such a simple recipe, but so packed with flavor. The sauce simmers for 15 minutes so it has time to thicken and absorb the flavors throughout, and you really don't have to babysit it much, just stir it now and again. The chicken is easy to cook, and really in less than 30 minutes you have a very nice dinner. The flavors remind me of Indian flavors, those deep warm spices of cumin and coriander. The kick of garlic and vinegar add depth and interest while simmering the tomatoes and tomato paste gave everything a deep rich tomato flavor. Absolutely delicious and definitely worthy of a repeat.
If you wonder how the others did this week, click here to follow their post links. You can also find the recipe schedule for the coming weeks there.