My eightieth recipe with the Wednesday with Donna Hay group is Pumpkin and Goat's Cheese Pizza, was chosen by me, and is found on page 78 in Donna Hay's Modern Classics 1 cookbook.
The ingredient list: roasted pumpkin, goat's cheese, pancetta, thyme, oil, and pizza dough (I used her Basic Pizza Dough recipe online here).
First of all, I like Donna Hay's Basic Pizza Dough recipe, it's quick, easy, and I always have the ingredients in the pantry. This pizza was fun, just different ingredients from what I would normally select for a pizza, put together simply, and baked in about 15 minutes.
The taste was mild, and I would probably think of other ways to jazz up the flavor the next time just to see where I could go with that, but this was great just on its own as she has written it. Pumpkin on a pizza, who knew? Absolutely delicious.
Wonder what the others thought? Gaye's post is here. Margaret's post is here. Chaya's post is here. Sarah's post is here. Next is Margaret's choice, Potato, Bacon, and Leek Soup, found in Modern Classics 1, page 24. Join us and leave a link to your post, no commitment required.