READING: Got a whole load of new things from the library...reading bits and pieces trying to decide where to start.
LISTENING TO: Christmas Music
SWIMMING NEWS: Matt is at USA Swimming Nationals (no, I am not there as I've had the flu since Monday). They left on Wednesday after school and they return Sunday afternoon. This is a big deal. A very big deal for a high school boy. He could hardly stand it knowing that he was actually going and would be swimming in the same meet, in the same pool, at the same time, as the big names in swimming. The best swimmers our nation has to offer. College guys. Olympians. Matt Gerth. Pretty amazing stuff. He didn't care that he was going to be one of the youngest, and one of the last time-wise, etc., he was just so excited to go and BE THERE and have earned the right to be there with a National time cut. He's done well. Gets to bring home a new best time for the 50 Freestyle and swam a 100 Freestyle faster than he swam it at state last year, just a hair over his best time for that swim. He also had three relays and is having a really great time just being there and running into the friends, fellow swimmers, coaches, etc. he has come to know through the years. He gets to see his future teammates and coaches (Indiana University) compete and compete alongside them for the first time (although not as part of the team yet, still very fun to be at the same meet), and he gets to see Ryan Lochte in his green shoes up close and personal. What's not to love about all of that? We are somewhat proud of him...can you tell? Good.
COOKING BYTES: Snowy days like this are perfect for baking and watching the snow falling outside my kitchen window (photo above is just such a view) swimming down in that pool anytime soon. Twitterbakes Saturday and Sunday.
FAV NEW FIND: Several of my TWD baking pals had the opportunity to go to a book signing in Connecticut and meet Dorie Greenspan in person, have her sign their copies of her new book, Around My French Table, and have a great time wining and dining together. It happened the same week that all the college swimming signing hoopla was happening around here, so I did not get to join in all the fun out there. Since I missed all the fun, Nancy found a way to have the fun come to me...she sent me a signed copy with a personal note in it from Dorie for me, and crazy silly that she is, she photo-shopped me into the photo of all of them with Dorie at the signing. How much fun is all of that??? Almost as much as being there...not quite, but very special nonetheless. Thanks, Nancy!
FAV THING THIS WEEK: Well, I know what my not-so-favorite thing was this week: I had the flu for five days. I didn't think it was ever going to leave, so I have to say my favorite thing this week is that it has finally left and I am feeling well again. I recommend you take a pass if it shows up at your place. My favorite thing this week, is obviously, Matt swimming at USA Nationals for the first time.
GOING TO: The guys are going to shovel snow and watch sports on tv, I plan to bake/cook, stay inside with a nice warm and cozy fire, watch Big Ten Basketball, watch Livestream of Matt at the USA Swimming Nationals, and do a few things around here that didn't get done when the flu was visiting and overstaying its welcome.
PRAYING FOR: Two GCHS students battling cancer, Luke and Stuart...please join me.