Thanks to Melissa of Love at First Bite for her Tuesdays with Dorie pick of Sweet Cream Biscuits, found on page 23 of Dorie Greenspan's Baking from My Home to Yours cookbook. Melissa has the recipe posted on her site today.
The only other biscuits I have ever made were the sweet potatoes ones we made for TWD awhile back, so I was looking forward to trying a biscuit recipe again since my others didn't rise particularly well both times I tried them. Okay, eager and also skeptical as I was fearing that biscuits were possibly not my strong suit.
The ingredient list was not long: flour, cake flour, baking powder, sugar, salt, sweet cream. After patting them out, cutting with a biscuit cutter, and baking them, I had biscuits in a very short amount of time. This time they rose okay, they tasted okay, and I figure that it might be a biscuit. I've also decided I am not a biscuit gal...I didn't grow up eating biscuits, neither did Mark, so biscuits have never been something either of us has ever sought out. My boys are leading a biscuit-deprived childhood. Maybe it is a taste they can acquire in their adulthood.
Were they tasty? Yes, I guess. Truth is, I wouldn't know a good biscuit from a not-so-good one, so not really sure how they compare. Will I make them again? Probably not, unless someone requests some.
I know there is a whole crowd of admirers on any given day of that biscuit and gravy breakfast (lunch or dinner) type thing, but that has never once been in my radar for options. I put a little bit of butter on part of one and it melted nicely so it tasted like more of a need to get addicted to that taste. I also put a little Sweet Jalapeno Jam on one as I figured anything bread related tastes better with that on it...and again, the jam tasted just fine, the biscuit wasn't a repeat, not because of Dorie's recipe, but just because we aren't real biscuit loving people at our house.
Check out the blogroll to see what the others thought as I have a feeling there might be a whole lotta biscuit-loving bakers out there that will have some definitive opinions on the whole deal. Thanks, Melissa, it gave me a chance to bake something new and different!
Next week: Mary from Popsicles and Sandy Feet has chosen Chockablock Cookies, found on page 86. TWD blogroll found here.