READING: The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton. I developed a love for Edith Wharton's books/stories in college and it seemed like a fine time to visit an old favorite, the one that won her the Pulitzer Prize. She was first woman to win one. I love the fact that no matter how you think you can figure out how her stories will end, you are never right (unless you have read them before, of course). The ends are always totally unsatisfyingly satisfying. You will need to read something of hers to understand what I am talking about in this regard. Go ahead, read Edith Wharton and tell me how you hate to love her work, but that you do.
LISTENING TO: Started with On Eagles Wings and now to Music from the 1920's...what a kick!
COOKING BYTES: Not only is my tarragon plant sprouting new shoots, so is my sage plant...I know this doesn't particularly excite you, but it does me. I thought all the herbs would die within weeks of bringing them inside, so this just thrills me to no end. Cheap thrills, I know. Putting Giada's books into play for awhile...not getting enough playing time with them around here, so plan to step it up.
FAV NEW FIND: The Eiteljorg Museum has an exhibit opening in a couple of weeks called "Pistols: Dazzling Firearms" which at first I sort of skimmed over, but then I was thinking one night when I couldn't sleep, that I should check into the description of that exhibit because, maybe, just maybe, the "dazzling" part might, just might, refer to the decorations/engravings/etchings, etc. on the pistols themselves. I first became interested in this venue when I was visiting the Frasier Museum in Louisville a couple of summers ago and stumbled on a couple of rooms that I thought to pass by and decided to just give a peek inside. After all, I had no particular interest in guns, so it would just be a minute or two. Two hours and then some later: Wow, I had no idea that guns could be so decorative, so personally decorated, so interesting, so historically wonderful, and so beautiful. So, I pulled up the little ditty describing the upcoming Eiteljorg exhibit and guess what???? The exhibit explores the history of handgun decoration! A gift for me in February. Go ahead, roll your eyes, or you can click here and read all about it and come with me!
FAV THING THIS WEEK: The swim meet last weekend was nice, nothing great in the way of swim times, but great in the way of good times, friendships, and just being together. Sometimes those things say every bit as much as the swim times themselves. Not sure the coaching staff would agree, but as parents, it is fun to see the kids all having a great time together doing what they love.
FAV THING THIS WEEK: The swim meet last weekend was nice, nothing great in the way of swim times, but great in the way of good times, friendships, and just being together. Sometimes those things say every bit as much as the swim times themselves. Not sure the coaching staff would agree, but as parents, it is fun to see the kids all having a great time together doing what they love.
GOING TO: Have a weekend of reflection, I think, just doing a little of this, a little of that, enjoying the simple things in life. Going to finish knitting another baby blanket for Project Gabriel, read (of course), cook some nice meals for my family, look at the flower catalogs and find something new we can plant this year, watch Big Ten Basketball, and maybe take a trip to the museum during the Colts game when no one will be there and I can wander about to my heart's content. Alex needed transport to and from work on Sunday, so I gave my ticket to the IU/Iowa game to Matt's friend Mike so the guys are headed to Hooville for that on Sunday night (new game time is 6:00, not 5:00, due to Colts' game) and I am planning on cheering from my wingback chair by the fireplace. Staying close to home, the time of year when I like to just curl up and be on my own for a bit. What's up there?
PRAYING FOR: Both for loved ones who have gone before us and the families/friends left to give thanks for their lives and the wonderful memories they have left behind, please join me.