READING: The Murder of King Tut: The Plot to Kill the Child King - Nonfiction Thriller by James Patterson and Martin Dugard. Goes between the time of Tut, the time of the discovery of Tut's tomb by Howard Carter, and present day.
LISTENING TO: Gilbert & Sullivan's The Mikado, Indianapolis Opera is performing it in March.
COOKING BYTES: My herb pots from the deck that we brought in for the winter to try and save, i.e. keep growing so that I could have freshly cut herbs all year instead of needing to buy them in the winter, are doing GREAT! I have been snipping away daily for the past 3 months and the tarragon has even started growing new shoots at the base of the old ones. Chives are a little sparse, and Basil died before I even got it into the house, but everything else is going strong. Just thought you'd like to know, in case you want to try it at your place next winter.
FAV NEW FIND: Cold, windy, snowy, icy January is half-way over! So want to see greenery and blooming things, walk barefoot in the grass, and just feel the warm sunshine every single day.
FAV THING THIS WEEK: I loved having all the Christmas decor around, but it was good to get it all squirreled away and things back to normal. I like normal. I like normal on an everyday basis. It was a good week filled with nice times and enjoying the most simple of things with my family.
GOING TO: Three day USA swim meet at the Nat in Indy. Our club hosts, so that means our family works the sessions as well. Matt was asked to be one of the two altar servers for the Ravens' Mass before the big game with the Colts on Saturday and then he will get to do some fun things and be a guest at the game, so he is also looking forward to that. Sunday for him is swimming, choir rehearsal, and then swimming finals at night. I hope this is a light homework weekend!
PRAYING FOR: Those struggling with learning to live without a loved one, please join me.