READING: The Great Upheaval: America and the Birth of the Modern World (1788-1800) by Jay Winik. Sharing this book with Mark simultaneously, so also reading monthly city magazines that come our way to see what exactly I wish to do in June around here.
COOKING THROUGH: Le Cordon Bleu at Home (Le Cordon Bleu School of Cooking), this week's assignment is Longe de Porc aux Pruneaux (Roast Pork Loin with Prunes) and Mousseline de Celeri Rave (Creamed Celery Root Puree), pages 122-123; Baking: From My Home to Yours (Dorie Greenspan), this week's recipe is Cinnamon Squares, and can be found on page 210-211; The Bread Baker's Apprentice (Peter Reinhart), this week's recipe is Greek Artos (Celebration) Bread, and can be found on pages 111-114. You can cook/bake along, too!
FAV NEW FIND: My new digital scale for weighing flour and yeast and all sorts of things! Very nice.
FAV THING TODAY: It's sunny, it's beautiful outside, last day of school for CHS, it's summer! Almost.
GOING TO: Graduations parties! Other bits...all of it fun.
PRAYING FOR: All the 2009 High School Graduates...May your lives be filled with productivity and magical times! Please join me.