First, let me just say that I know you are all in shock that I got this posted before the midnight hour on Tuesday...what can I say, I couldn't sleep, so I figured I might as well be productive and post my entry! Lemon cake! Lemon is my favorite flavor, so I was very excited to see this recipe chosen this week as it seems like a good week to have a slice of cake. Maybe two. I was not is absolutely delicious! (And for the record, one slice is very rich, so cutting it in half is a good option, so there you have it: two!) There's lemon zest in the batter, and there's lemon in the glaze. Yep, lots of lemon. The cake goes together easily, you don't even need to get out the mixer, you just use a whisk and a bowl. It bakes in a small loaf pan (so really, you might want to just make two if you have a household of men who like big slices, so that you might get to have two pieces for yourself). The list of ingredients is small and easily located. Some people had trouble locating lemon marmalade, and although I had never heard of it before, my grocery carries a line from Trappist Preserves, located in Spencer, Massachusetts (click for site/flavors/ordering info), which includes 30 different kinds of jams/jellies/preserves/marmalades. We all love a bit of jelly on an English muffin, and these products are very good! So, did the guys like it? Absolutely. They thought it was absolutely wonderful. (The photo does not do it justice as they ran out of patience with me and just wanted to EAT the CAKE! Matt did manage to pat his tummy in full appreciation, however, before they both took off with plates and forks to enjoy Dorie's dessert of the week.) Tonight was a big night...Mark took Matt out and bought his first electric razor, so the lemon cake upon returning was like a little party...need to celebrate all these firsts in a young man's life you know. I know, I am such a M-O-M! The cake was great...very easy, very economical, very tasty...go ahead, make this one! It's very very good. Next week's recipe was chosen by Sihan of Befuddlement is Blueberry Crumb Cake, and can be found on pages 192-193. This week's Tuesdays with Dorie recipe, from the cookbook Baking: From My Home to Yours by Dorie Greenspan is French Yogurt Cake with Marmalade Glaze, can be found on pages 224-225, and was chosen by Liliana of My Cookbook Addiction. If you would like to try the recipe before buying the book, click on Liliana's site above and she will have it posted today.
Click here and then click on individual bakers' blogs at the site if you would like to see more of this week's recipe and the various ways people interpreted their quest. It is too late to join the online TWD baking blog, but you can always join us in spirit as the recipes for upcoming weeks are posted on the site and you can bake along in your own kitchen. See you there!