The view looking out our living room window...lots of snow!
Yep, we got a foot of snow, I kid you not, between Tuesday night and Wednesday morning. On Wednesday they canceled everything they could think of, so Mark, Matt and I had a nice day snowed in at home. Mark tried to make it in to work, but got stuck several times and just figured he would call it a day and work from home.
Thursday and Friday have been much better, although the schools are on a two-hour delay (I know, you Iowa, Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Ohio, upstate New York, Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire people, not forgetting all my Canadian friends, are all laughing at canceling and two-hour delays for one little round of snow...this is Indiana and we don't get a lot of that around here usually, so people gather themselves in a tizzy quiet quickly when they hear more than one inch of snow is expected).
I didn't get Whisk Wednesdays recipe made this week as I sort of waited until the last minute, and could not find any whole trout, so that will come along at another point as I do want to make it...it looked delicious, and being an Iowa girl: I love trout! I don't think you can grow up in northeast Iowa without going fishing for trout.
Matt's swim meet on Tuesday was canceled as the roads were starting to get bad during the early hours of the afternoon. He was very disappointed as it was hosted by Ali and Harrison's school and he was really looking forward to swimming with them in the meet. No reschedule on that as girls high school swim sectionals start next week, so there is no time to get a meet of that caliber rescheduled in a timely manner. Boys high school swimming sectionals are in two weeks, state is the last Friday and Saturday in February. And then we gear up for USA senior state in March. And the best part of all that is that winter is OVER at that point.