Matt's home away from home this weekend as they are in Nashville, TN at the Tracy Caulkins competition pool swimming at a meet. (All photos courtesy of Matt's iPhone camera and sent to me from the road.)
News from the meet is good. Matt swam the 50 Freestyle today and took off time both in the morning prelim session and the evening finals session, so he was pretty happy about that. This morning he took off one-tenth of a second, which to you, and also to me, doesn't seem like a whole lot, but to a swimmer, especially in the sprinting 50s, it is quite nice to take off that amount of time. His comment, "Oh, I was happy to have taken off time, but if I would have just been able to swim four one-hundredths of a second faster, I could have gotten in a higher consolation." Even after ten years in the swimming world, I still have no idea what the heck four one-hundredths of a second is...the difference between life and death and swim times, I guess! Anyway, he went back to finals and took a little more time off, so he was a happy boy when he called on their way to dinner after the meet.
Michael and Charles also with some happy faces for good swim times. And, of course, Michael and Charles just always have a good time wherever they are and whatever they are doing: so cute!
Trish and Lauren, looking wet and happy and ready to head back to the hotel for some rest, two sweeter girls you will not meet, and the two of them hold some really fancy swim times at CSC...Olympic trials bound, both of them.
Tomorrow Matt swims his two best swims, the 100 Free and the 100 Back, but only in prelims as they are slated to all pull from finals in order to get back at a reasonable hour rather than arriving back at three in the morning and then having school the next day, etc. He was a bit disappointed that those particular two swims fell on the last day and he wouldn't get to swim in the finals for them, but sometimes that's just the breaks.
The swimmers are all staying healthy and having a great time, everyone getting some new best times, and the coaches apparently pleased with the road trip. Can't do better than that! Swim Swim CSC! Click
here for a fun song for the swimming kids today.