![Twd buttery jam cookies 010](https://grandmaskitchentable.typepad.com/.a/6a00d8341c9cee53ef01053664e42c970c-300wi)
Alex figured he would lend a hand to the cookie baking cause around here and frost a few for me today. While he did this without complaining, I did note that the ones he frosted for himself as a snack had twice as much icing on them as the ones he did for the cause, motivation enough as it were, it would seem.
Alex has always been an interesting child. When he was little he loved, and still does actually, broccoli. He was convinced that the song Frosty the Snowman was actually Broccoli the Snowman, and he would sing it thusly when he was two. Matt, being quite put out that Alex was "not singing it right," turned to Alex and said very sternly, "Alex, it's not Broccoli the Snowman! It's supposed to be FROSTING the Snowman!" You can tell what Matt's favorite food might have been at age 2, no doubt. It's tradition around here to have at least one chorus of Broccoli the Snowman and one of Frosting the Snowman.
Matt had a really great morning at the swim meet with his favorite swim, the 100 Back, dropping time, going from a 54.34 to 53.92...that is the swim he has been struggling to drop time in since last spring, so he was very happy to drop below 54. He would have gone into finals 7th out of 49, and in the top heat, but as I mentioned yesterday, the swimmers headed home before finals tonight, so Matt had to pull from swimming in that coveted top heat. Oh, well, the time itself is enough reward! His 100 Freestyle was so-so, going from 48.85 to 48.93, so adding just a little bit there, 8 one-hundredths of a second. Not bad for the last swim of a four day trip. Shoulders held out, so that is encouraging.
Not a lot going on around here this evening, swimmers have returned to homework, and re-entry into civilian life. They have tomorrow morning off, but Roch is in town and Matt will swim for a Guerin practice in the morning at 5:15 a.m. until 7:00 and then head off to classes and Roch will head down to Alabama for his day...see what I mean, the two of them are just crazy enough to make this whole long distance coaching thing work. I am truly amazed. And we are truly grateful as Roch is an amazing coach for Matt...somehow Roch is just able to coach the WHOLE Matt, not just the kid in the water...Matt and Roch have a good read on one another when it comes to the whole swimming picture. We are very lucky.
Today's little Christmas ditty can be found
here and you have your choice when you sing along, you can sing
Frosty the Snowman,
Broccoli the Snowman, or
Frosting the Snowman! Have a great evening.