The Cool Dude has hit the milestone 16th Birthday. Actually, it was on the 17th, but things being what they are around here, sometimes it takes a few days to get us all in one place at one time to celebrate, so last night we had a little cake and ice cream, presents already having been opened as there is NO waiting on those by eager teens. I would love to say I was one of those moms who bake their children's birthday cakes, spending days planning and decorating and executing the perfect cake each year, but I am not. I really don't bake, that's why TWD is a happening thing around here this year. If it were up to me, they would get a candle stuck in a brownie and we would gather, sing the birthday song, add a scoop of ice cream, and be on our way. We usually just stop by the local bakery or market and pick up a cake...believe me, guys are not fussy about these things. When they were younger we would have character cakes and such, but it's been several years since they wanted anything like that...growing up being what it is and all. This year Mark was the one who stopped for the cake and oops...we forgot to mention that when you buy the cake, you also need to buy some candles. Alex was a good sport about it, as we pulled out four little clown candles from supplies from years past...many, many years past as clowns, I think, were on the cakes when they were like four or so. Anyway, we made do...4 clowns, each representing 4 years, totalling 16...and as Alex remarked, "Well, it's a lot easier to blow out four candles than sixteen!" Two seconds later, they were demolishing this cake and no one was concerned about candles or dedication to cake baking. (Sometimes I am thinking it's a good thing I am a mom to blues as I am not sure the pinks would be as patient with our fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants birthday celebrations around here.) Usually there is a friends' party and dinner out with the grandparents, so he has that to look forward to yet. So, Happy 16th Birthday, Alex! Next year you will be 17 on the 17th!