Definitely time to get the corn in... It's been a lovely autumn here in Indiana. The leaves have stayed nice for quite awhile, the days have been warm, the evenings have just a little crispness to them...a perfect fall.
We've been able to get out and enjoy all the usual fall activities of football games, hayrides, pumpkin patch outings, farm stands, cider drinking, taffy apple eating, squash and Brussels sprouts as fresh as you can get, and of course, my annual autumnal occupation: Searching for a High School Swimming Coach for Guerin.
We are about a week away from the boys high school swimming season, and are still in need of a coach (which is slightly ahead of last year when we were six weeks into the season before we had the coach to-end-all-coaches just land in our laps and facilitate one very fine swimming season for Matt). Although we have high hopes and our fingers crossed that the current plan of action will be signed, sealed, and delivered, by opening day, if anyone is interested in praying to St. Roch (both the one in heaven and the one on earth now located in Alabama), maybe that would help a little. :-)
We are, once again, a one-man swim team for high school. The cost of swimming can run quite high with need of pool times, coaches, entry fees, etc., and with Matt's high school not having a pool, it is rather prohibitive to a student who would want to "just swim for the high school season" because basically the swimmer would need to pay for pool and coach out of his/her own pockets which would run over a thousand dollars. Not many students and parents are willing to do that for just a high school season when there are other less expensive options in sports available and already in place. Matt swims year around, so he has a swim club that we pay fees for and our expense for high school swimming is just coach and entry fees. However, since we don't share the cost of the coach, it still runs us about the same, but we are highly motivated as hopefully Matt will have the opportunity to swim in college as well.
Maybe someday Guerin will have enough students/parents willing to fund a team, but right now with the size of the school...we are just a one man show again this year. Providing I can score a coach, that is.
How the summer passed so quickly is beyond me. Seriously, here we are almost in November already. I am not a lover of winter. I like the changing of the seasons...I just wish the winter one would change over much quicker than the five-month stint here in the Midwest. Way too much winter. If I could dictate such, I would keep November around Thanksgiving time up until New Year's as winter and then segue right into spring for a few weeks, and be basking in the summer sun shortly thereafter. When I find a place like that, I am moving there. Anyone want to join me?
Those of you who are keeping track of my recent negligent ways in the matter of blogging will please note that I have posted four, count them, FOUR entries today. What is that they say..."Be careful what you wish or you will surely get it...." Enjoy.