A photo taken today in our daffodil garden reminding me of Amy Lowell's poem To An Early Daffodil, which begins, "Thou yellow trumpeter of laggard Spring!" I thought it fitting for today for three reasons: first of all, Spring really has been a bit of a laggard in central Indiana this year; secondly, Shelley already posted William Wordsworth's Daffodils on her blog this week (I love his lines "And then my heart with pleasure fills, and dances with the daffodils."); and lastly, it has the word "AN" in the title and it's an "AN" kind of month around here at GKT, being finished with my "ING Game" from March and all.
It's officially spring...yesterday at the golf course Matt was cutting from one hole to the next, driving a golf cart fortunately, when a Canadian Goose took off after him (protecting a nearby nest, no doubt) and tried to dive bomb him as it flew over the golf cart honking like a crazy loon. Matt was willing to forego that hole, but Mark said, "This is golf...we don't skip a hole for some crazy goose, play through." Spring is here.
Everyone seems to be taking advantage of the "sleeping in" portion of the Spring Break agenda. I had several hours to myself again today as the boys did not surface until 11:00 a.m. (I took a break from all volunteer work this week, but now I am thinking maybe I should not have done so as no one would even miss me if I did it all before noon.) Alex opted for eating pizza at home for lunch while Matt wanted to head over to Hellas and eat Greek food. He has a four hour rehearsal this evening for an IYC performance, doesn't like to eat heavy right before singing a lot, so he did his damage at lunch. (Hellas is owned by the family of a fellow swimmer, so we like to patronize them for that reason and because their food is very good.)
Mark and Alex are headed to the golf course this evening and I am up in the air about whether or not I want to watch the choir rehearsal...of course, I could take my KNITTING with me and work on that, but it might be too distracting for the kids who will no doubt think, "OMW, Mrs. GERTH is KNITTING!" I know, I don't believe it either.