The view of the backyard out of the kitchen nook window early this everywhere. (Click on photo to enlarge and see the ice!)
Am posting Thursday's Favorites Fare early this week because I haven't posted a list in the past three weeks and everyone is asking "Where's your list this week?" Since I don't want them to quit posting theirs, I figure I better step up here and get one posted soon. Also, tomorrow I will have photos from the Age and Senior Group USA State Swim Party tonight that I want to post as the kids all enjoy seeing those photos. So, here's Thursday's Favorites Fare a day early this week!
READING: King, Kaiser, Tsar: Three Royal Cousins Who Led the World to War by Catrine Clay (King George V of England, Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany, and Tsar Nicholas II of Russia)...even if you don't like my usual historical fare, this one is really good and quite a fast read...come on, check it out!
LISTENING TO: Puccini's Tosca. Tosca was the first opera I had ever seen, and I fell in love with it. (I also happened to fall in love with the guy sitting next to me, who happened to be Mark.) Back in our IU days in Bloomington, students could see the opera performances for $3.00 which was just great as IU has a wonderful music department and the quality of the shows was very good...the opera was a nice affordable date back in those student days. The Indianapolis Opera and Indianapolis Symphony are performing it next weekend at Clowes. See you there.
COOKING THROUGH: Not much...still not up to par and am thinking I don't need to be handling everyone's food and spreading it about...not even cooking for the priests or any other family this week. Surely by next week I will be back to normal. Surely.
FAV NEW FIND: I am reading a book about Eleanor Roosevelt. She was asked what she felt was the most important thing that led to her many successes. She replied, "I never look back. I just keep looking and moving forward." I wrote it in the front of my day planner. Simple, profound really, and providential to me right now...just keep moving forward and don't look back. A lot of changes for me this past year...I think moving forward and concentrating on those aspects are key. The right quote for me at this time. I find myself repeating it several times a day and by the end of the day, I feel really good about not dwelling on things I can't fix, and concentrating on making the things I am in control of really really good. Favorite new find for sure.
FAV THING TODAY: The beauty in all this ice covering everything today. This morning Guerin was on a two-hour delay start due to the ice, so Matt and I got to sleep in a bit (no swim practice). As we drove to school, the sun was shining, causing all the ice to sparkle like diamonds. Everything was coated in it, making it look magical. Really pretty. After I dropped him off, I drove around a bit more to do some errands, prolonging the enjoyment for as long as the time I returned home, it was all starting to melt away. Important to capitalize on things when you can!
GOING TO: Senior State USA swimming Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Wish us luck!
PRAYING FOR: Michelle and Al as they mourn the loss of their baby in miscarriage, and for all those mourning likewise, please join me.