If you click here now you can have a photo for today with some fun and educational information following it. I love this site as it is a quick click and I learn something new almost every day. Today's feature: Shapes of Mud Cracks. The photo is really wonderful, like art hanging in a museum. I hope you enjoy it.
It is Ash Wednesday today, so cooking for everyone is going to be a breeze due to fasting restrictions: Quiche with Gruyere and Crispy Shallots, Simple Garden Salad, and Grilled Fresh Pineapple Slices. (BTW, last night's splurge at Da Vinci Gelato was oh-so-good. I had one perfect scoop of Strawberry Gelato, Mark opted for Hazelnut; and Matthew, I am amazed still, had three scoops of various chocolate flavors. Alex had scouts so did not get to go with us. End of desserts for the duration of Lent.)
Hawks play the Badgers in IC tonight...interesting to see how they handle them there, hopefully better than the Hoos managed last week.
Rainy and cold here today, still have not seen the first robin yet...very unusual as it is most common to see them returning the first of February. I don't even want to speculate on what this might mean.
Need to be out of here by 9:45, so catch you later...don't forget to go out and do something nice for someone today. It's always exciting to find out each day what that is going to be as I usually never know until the day progresses. Best part of the day. Always.