Hot Apple Pie cooling on the stove top today.
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Hot Apple Pie cooling on the stove top today.
Posted at 04:48 PM in This, That, and The Other | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
I'm back from our 8th annual all-chick-all-scrapbook Silver & Gold Weekend...and what a wonderful time I had the entire weekend! I finished 63 scrapbook album pages, had a wonderful time away with the girls, and have now returned home to my wonderful family wonderfully refreshed and ready to get back into the routine of things around here. Thanks Anne, Christie, Shelly, Abbie, Nancy, Linda, Karrie, Holly, Margy, Annette, Michelle, Laura, Francie, Shellie, Pat, and Mindy for all the laughs and fun this weekend!
(Oh, and no comment on the Hoo/UConn game...I am still pouting a little.)
It's always nice to have a little group of flowers around, especially this time of year when there aren't any blooming outside...bright yellow ones always make me think of sunshine and I can't help but smile whenever I see them...little bits of all that sunshine right at my fingertips. Not one beautiful perfect flower today, but three...a little group of smiling sunshine. Always.
Posted at 09:19 PM in This, That, and The Other | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Posted at 12:39 PM in Thursday's Favorites Fare | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
Dixie and I took this photo of my beloved moon two nights ago around six in the evening from my back deck, and it looked pretty much the same the night before that and last night, but it's been a crazy busy week, so this is the first chance I have gotten to post it. So beautiful.
It feels good to be home today as I have been on the go non-stop lately, so just being home today and cooking feels great. I even watched Martha without the tivo today...and get this, she gave away new laptops to all the studio audience...sometimes she just gives little things, and occasionally it is something major...I consider this pretty major. Unfortunately, I was not in the audience today. Laptops...who knew?
Matt had another high school swim meet last night down at the invitational with ten teams, ours being the smallest with just one member, of course. One member or not, he swam his two events, the 100 Free in which he came in second by a little less than two seconds to a junior who placed eighth at state last year, and the 100 Back in which he came in first by more than half a pool's length and for which he received one very cool first place medal. He had two new personal best times by the end of the evening, and as we have been jokingly saying, "Two New School Records!" (Which means that each time Matt swims, if he has a new best time, is a new school record as he is currently the only one swimming and there are no school swimming records except his...BUT, it is fun to say!) And, here are some photos from last night so you can feel like you were there. (Click on photos to enlarge.)Harrison and Ali were both there swimming for Brebeuf, our Catholic school rival, so that was fun...and Harry finished 3rd behind Matt's 2nd in the Free.
Oh, and before I go...don't forget: TONIGHT IS THE HOO-HAWK GAME! See you there!
Matt (white cap) making the Sign of the Cross before mounting the starting block...something he always does.
Coach Roch looking on from the sidelines as Matt (white cap), Sean (Brebeuf winner of this swim), and Harrison all get ready to swim the 100 Free.
The 100 Back, Matt in the center lane took off and was way ahead with no looking back.
The finish of the 100 Back, Matt in the center lane finishes about half a pool ahead of all the rest...that was one really great swim!
One very happy swimmer, and one very happy coach after the 100 Backstroke swim.
The end of the evening...a very nice first place medal for the 100 Back; and a very nice second place ribbon for the 100 Free. One very happy boy. One very happy coach. Two very proud parents. One amazed brother. One wonderful evening. Go Matt, Go Guerin!
A fun shot of Ali in her towel waiting for her Butterfly race.
"I'm going to beat you in this race, Gerth." "Tell your story walking, Wagner, I have it all wrapped up...all we have to do is beat Sean, however!" Matt, in white cap, and Harrison, capless discussing the hopes for the upcoming 100 freestyle. Sean (1); Matt (2); Harrison (3)...a great race!
Posted at 11:25 AM in Matt's Days and Ways | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Posted at 09:05 PM in Matt's Days and Ways | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Posted at 12:59 PM in This, That, and The Other | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Posted at 08:03 AM in This, That, and The Other | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Posted at 07:02 PM in This, That, and The Other | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Posted at 08:25 AM in This, That, and The Other | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
On Sulu Designs' blog here she posted today, with others doing the same, an entry for Beautiful Film Week - Day 1, and I was taken with the idea, so I am going to play along this week and share a few of my favorites also. Anyone else want to play?
My first submission for consideration is Sweet Land which I saw once just a little while ago. I loved it so much that I wanted to wait a little before I saw it again because it was an emotional story on film and you all know me...I don't do emotion well. I am now, however, ready to see it again. It is really a beautiful story, set in southern Minnesota about Norwegian/German immigrants beginning in is a love story, beautifully told. Here is a site for the trailer for it, but you truly need to just rent it and watch it all curled up with a lovely fire blazing in the fireplace, a cup of hot cider, and maybe your Granny's hankie in some is very moving. The photography is really lovely as well, and the actors incredible in their parts...what's not to love? So, Sweet Land would be my first submission for Beautiful Film Week. Let me know what you think after you've seen it!
Posted at 08:33 PM in This, That, and The Other | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
How about those Baby Hawks tonight?!! Can't wait to see the press on tonight's game against MSU at Carver...MSU still 6th in the country...uh, I don't think so...the day just keeps getting better and better! Colts followed by the Hoos tomorrow afternoon...but back to those Hawks...who saw that coming? What's next for Todd and the boys? Too soon to tell, but we will certainly enjoy tonight's victory...Go Hawks!
Posted at 10:39 PM in This, That, and The Other | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
I knew it would be a great day and it was...just perfect. I love my children, don't take this wrong, but it is always rather a nice treat to just be out as a couple. Mark and I were married for 14 years before the boys came along. Fourteen years motoring with just the two of us was an awful lot of date these last 15 years were a bit of an awakening as to how children necessarily become a priority and date days became fewer as a result.
Still and all, finding time for just motoring about as a couple always has been, and continues to be, the absolute best...I think I have fallen in love with this man a million times over the years and sharing a slice of lemon glazed cake for dessert late this afternoon at a restaurant, I have to say, makes it a million and one. I wish I could say I deserved all this...but the truth is, I don't...I have never done anything in my life that came close to deserving this kind of love.
So, what movie did we see? We saw "Charlie Wilson's War" and it was great...we both enjoyed it very much, of course we are both history nerds lovers, but I think it has enough of a variety in it that would appeal to a wider audience...well, maybe...there were only 9 other people in the theater...which wasn't a bad deal since we had the back row center seats and enough privacy for a few stolen moments...ah...young love, old love, what does it matter? Date Day: It's a very good thing.
Posted at 07:36 PM in This, That, and The Other | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Steak Stew in the One Scoop Birdy Bowl from Little Flower Designs.
READING: Just browsing through library books of photography about how to take better family/people/everyday type shots with more interest, etc. This led me to a never-ending internet menu of sites devoted to this, so have been spending the week studying up on these suggestions/ideas.
Posted at 02:08 PM in Thursday's Favorites Fare | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
Before the transformation: the old schoolroom with the new couch moved in already...just a matter of moments before it's Out with the Old and in with the rest of the New.
Next photo is left side of the room. And, the last photo, with Vash claiming a seat, right side of the room.
The bookcases are built in all across the backside of the room, so those remain. This weekend I will sort through all the books, helping many find their ways to new homes with homeschooling friends.
Posted at 11:48 AM in This, That, and The Other | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Today's photo comes from the Archives Division...Susanne Hayes, David Burrack, Kenny Kamper, Elaine Koch, myself, and Jon Reed at the Starmont prom way too many years ago! (Click on photo to enlarge.)
Posted at 08:55 AM in Friends | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
Pippin, Mark, and Vash thinking of ways not to be too productive yet today. (Sorry about the frightening green eyes on the dogs as I haven't figured out how to adjust the camera settings yet to avoid that...maybe this week.) The most popular guy around the house this morning...he's sorta great at cuddling.
Posted at 11:32 AM in This, That, and The Other | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
Rebecca decorating cookies this morning with her mother Katie rolling them out in the background. If you look on the cookie sheet, you can see my special "IU" decorated cookies (that's why they invite me to help: my cookie decorating skills always add a little something...well, something). This is a Purdue household, so they humor me by letting me use the state cookie cutter in the first place, and by letting me decorate them with red and white. Rebecca made a yellow Purdue cookie next to them for balance.
Posted at 02:01 PM in Thursday's Favorites Fare | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Posted at 08:38 AM in This, That, and The Other | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
It's not a party until the Kazoos come out...Alex and cousin David celebrating at Grandma and Grandpas.
Okay, okay, stop with the emails about the New Year's Resolutions...Cease, Halt...mistake to suggest that, definitely. You all are very funny...very, very funny.
Here are the ones I am going to try to keep from all the suggestions:
1. Challenge of a scrapbook page a day (total at end of year to equal 365 and can include gift albums, etc.).
2. Two retreats a year: One in January and one in August. Chicks only. (And, no silly comments when I am the only one NOT drinking or eating chocolates and Doritos at the August one.)
3. One non-complaining, non-only-visiting-the-bookstores, non-rolling-of-the-eyes-and-sighing-and-asking-how-much-longer trip to the mall with girlfriends a month, to last at least one hour.
4. Lunch A-Z with equal the 26 letters of the alphabet and eating at a restaurant with a name starting with the letter next in line and ordering something OTHER than just soup or salad. (And when we get to the "X," I don't have to go into any place that begins with X or XX or XXX, if you get my drift.)
5. Make every attempt to go to Canada for the Shakespeare trip with Shelley, Katie, Michelle, Jeri, etc. etc. and to go bowling with Katie while in Canada.
6. Attend every Book-It this year.
7. Attend every Mom's Night Out this year.
8. Attend as many IMA events with the ICHSA as possible (can't promise all as I have to pick up Matt at school during that time until he gets that license in August).
9. Get together with my sister, KJH, more often in non-life-threatening weather, Iowa being what it is and all during snow, tornado, and flooding times.
10. Be less compulsive about neatness and things lining up just so, especially when working with Paul at swim meets at the greeters table because this drives him (and probably everyone else) nuts.
11. Read at least one book a month that people actually can identify, is somewhat fun, acceptable conversation for cocktail parties, and has no redeeming value whatsoever other than just reading it for fun and because everyone else is reading it.
12. Have more patience with Alex's requests. (Okay, this came from Alex, so I am not sure how much this one really counts, but I will say that I am not the most patient of souls when it comes to some of his requests, which I find hard to believe are not in Ripley's Believe It Or Not selection of outlandish requests from 15 year old boys.)
13. Take a photography class with Cindy (and anyone else who wants to go with us).
14. Figure out how to use that cell phone answering message thing.
The ones I am NOT keeping:
1. Buy more junk food. (This is form Mark and Alex, and they had no real hope of this anyway.)
2. Don't put out fresh linens each day. (From my friend Sue who is always trying to get me to be more green...and I just can't see me doing this one...really, some things I just can't see me even trying to do and this is one of those things.)
3. Learn to like chocolate. (Numerous requests...what is the deal with this anyway?)
4. Learn to drink coffee. (Ditto: number 3.)
5. Spend less time in museums and more time shopping and lunching with us. (Numerous requests, and my standard reply is always..."Be careful what you wish..." as I am not a cheerful shopper.)
6. See movies, even if they are really sappy or you might cry. (Numerous requests, why, I ask, is this a good thing?)
7. Stop being so organized and just show up sometimes without a plan of action. (Way too many requests from my go-with-the-flow fun-loving girlfriends!)
8. Don't answer email so fast as I can't keep up. (Numerous requests...I might try this one, it just drives me nuts to have things hanging about just waiting to be finished...maybe, maybe...)
9. Learn to like Mexican food. (Three requests...I honestly never knew this was a problem, but apparently it might be something to consider.)
10. Read less. (Yeah, right...not happening, but good try.)
11. Answer phone during IU basketball games. (Again, good try, not happening.)
12. Answer your phone. Give that little message device a vacation once in awhile. (Almost everyone had a form of this one...I can't see this one happening anytime soon...the problem is that once you pick up the phone, sometimes it can be a very long time before you can get going again and I just don't have the much time always, so it just seems simpler and kinder this way. On the other hand, I don't mind leaving a message for you on your answering that's good.)
13. Let someone else drive as we always feel guilty that you are the one who always drives. (Five know, this is probably one of those things that would take years of therapy to seems much simpler to just drive myself.)
14. Just give up sometimes...not everything can be fixed. (It's hard to just give up.)
15. Be less of a "tight-ass" about things. (Okay, now this one I do agree with, but I can't see this happening...I would need to be someone completely different...someone carefree who doesn't worry and can ride in a convertible with the top down and not worry about her hair or bugs in her teeth and just enjoy the sun and the wind without sunblock and ponytail holders and a scarf, and big sunglasses, and toothbrush and toothpaste in tow, and a clean blouse in case a bird flies over and deposits little mysterious things, and maybe an extra pair of slacks or jeans for the same get my drift: I am not all that spontaneous and carefree...but there is a part of me that WISHES it were so...and I love that you all are and enjoy that about you immensely!)
16. Write about sports less in your blog. (Two requests...I will try, but I can't promise.)
NEXT TIME I WILL JUST MAKE MY OWN LIST...THANKYOUVERYMUCH. Actually, none of these things, with the exception of the Mexican food thing, surprises me at all...nor anyone who knows me, I am sure. It will be sorta fun to see if I come anywhere near any of these things. I guess that is the fun of it, right? It is fun, right? Just checking.
Posted at 01:31 PM in This, That, and The Other | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)
The Indianapolis Museum of Art today.
Posted at 01:35 PM in This, That, and The Other | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)