My Little Buddy Chip (click on photo to enlarge).
We have generously shared our tomato bounty with this little guy all summer long, mostly because he is very hard to catch, but caught him I did today...with the camera that is! (And that is the only way I want to catch him, btw.) I was at the kitchen sink looking out the window and thinking, "Hmmm...who left what on the deck railing..." when it moved! He reached right up, grabbed one of the remaining little yellow pear tomatoes and started snacking away at cute! I grabbed my camera and aimed the lens out the door window figuring he would scamper away, but he didn't...he probably figured this might be his last raid of ripe tomatoes for the season (and he would be right as Mark informs me that those plants are being ripped out this weekend, despite my pleas of granting them a stay). All summer this little guy, who I have named Chip, of course, and I have agreed that he can have his share as we had plenty, and I would watch him come and go as I went about my kitchen routines. Maybe Mark will grant one more week of a stay...or until Thanksgiving, it certainly seems right that we can wait until Thanksgiving weekend just in case Chip develops a taste for the little green tomatoes still clinging on the vines. Then, I know, all good things must come to an end, and Chip will need to figure out Plan B for his dining pleasures until next tomato season.
It is absolutely gloriously beautiful today here...the sky, the autumnal trees in vivid bloom, the grass is still green...and I am off to enjoy it all as I go from thing to thing today...have a great weekend...I can't wait to hear all about it!