The Noblesville outdoor pool...absolutely gorgeous place to have a swim meet, beautiful setting, ten lanes, great places for the kids to wait between swims, and best of all, only 12 miles from my front door! We started slow, but we finished well.
When Matt and Alex were swimming that first year when they were seven years old, I thought those fourteen year old boys looked HUGE and that we would never be that big! Now the one with big red C on his blue cap in Lane 5 (Matt) is fourteen and the little seven year olds look so little!
Ali had a fine meet, too...took them both a bit to get back in the swim of things, but they finished looking fine. Really, this is truly Ali...looking serious, looking focused, looking for a best personal time...when she got it, silly fun Ali returned in full force! Carmel pretty much dominated the finals.
Matt is in lane 6, one of the center lanes, and finished first in this 200 Backstroke. And, finally, Matt and Harrison show how its done between swims...sitting around and shooting the breeze on a fine summer day at the pool.