Happy Birthday, Mark! Each year Mark graciously shares his birthday with the Hamilton County 4-H Fair...we are always so busy with the fair that Mark's birthday often gets a quick rush and a "we will celebrate when fair is over and everyone can sit down at the same place at the same time...." This year is no different. This year, however, he did get his birthday pie already! (Mark is not fond of birthday cake, but he has never met a pie he could not devour with great relish in a few sittings.) The lovely Kate entered the pie division in foods this year with a wonderful Blueberry Strawberry Pie and she is pictured here with Matt at the fair yesterday with said award-winning pie, which we all sampled after the judging and immediately fell in love with. Kate not only made this pie yesterday, she also made one for her dad, and then came home from the fair and made one for Mark for his birthday! Although Mark's birthday is today, the still-warm-from-the-oven pie was too good to pass up last night, and pictured here is his version of "too good to keep" as he slices into it a day early. It is every bit as good as it looks...this girl can bake! Thank you, Miss Kate, Mark absolutely loved the pie and it made his birthday that much more special that you made it for him! Happy Birthday, Honey, we promise that Saturday is YOURS for birthday celebrating. (My guesses would be: sleeping in really late, Starbucks on the way to the fair where you will opt for Indiana Pork Chop lunch, golfing all afternoon, dinner at favorite restaurant, and possibly golfing another round in the evening...am I close?)