Just how many plates of food does one table of four swimmers need after swimming all day? Apparently quite a few...and this was before refills! (Click on photo to enlarge.)
Well, Matthew didn't exactly walk on water...but he swam mighty fine this weekend! Seven of seven new best times and lots of pats on the back go a long way to making a young man feel like he is indeed walking on water! It's pretty great when your own coaches are impressed, but it is even finer when the other coaches come up and tell you they are impressed! Matt rocked the Ohio Valley Swim Championships...and I couldn't be happier for him. What a great weekend.
Louisville has a lot to offer...even I could not get it all done in five days...and believe me, I tried! A return trip is scheduled soon so the rest of the family can enjoy it, too.
Now back to catching up around here...Alex is off at scout camp this week working on his progression toward Eagle Scout. He just loves having an entire week outdoors doing all those guy camping type things. Mark usually goes along, but this year Alex is winging it alone, and Mark seemed relieved not to have to deal with the heat, mosquitoes, camp beds, camp rations, and all those hundreds of energetic scouts. A man can only appreciate that sort of involvement for so long until retirement from such looks like a vacation itself. He is going down for parent night on Wednesday while Matt and I are at choir rehearsal...I knew he would not be able to stay away for the entire week...he would miss his little buddy way too much.