I will admit it. I am not into this 21st Century by much. Rumor has it around here that I barely made it into the 20th Century before they switched on me. I am a history nut...Ancient up to about the time the Bolsheviks decided to toss Nicholas and Alexandra off the Russian throne in 1917 at St. Petersburg. I got lucky when I met Mark...as it turns out, his specialty in history is WWI and beyond. How cool is this that it worked out that way? One or the other of us can pretty much handle any history queries you might have at any given moment (okay, that skill is probably not in high demand, but it is there should you need it). SO, needless to say, the entire field of electronics has left me behind long long ago.
To demonstrate just how far behind...one day I was thinking I might like to watch a VCR movie (see, not even a DVD), so I took the tv remote in hand and pushed the button for "on"...nothing. Again. Nothing. Now, we have several television sets in this house, all hooked up to various remotes and computers and fancy stuff because that is what the guys in this house are really into. I have ONE television that I BEGGED them to leave "normal," meaning one that I could just hit one button and have it come to life and hit another button to see a certain channel. So far, so good. Very dependable...I could do that with no problem. When nothing came to life this day, I literally laid down on the family room floor, stared at the ceiling fan above me and thought, "This is it, I am a dinosaur." Matt came in and said, "Mom, what's wrong?" I said, "Matt I have got to get it together here, I can't even turn on one single electronic thing in this house and have it work as it is supposed to work. I have to advance into the technological age or die." After discerning the problem he took remote in hand, turned it over, and said, "You can relax a little, Mom, Alex took the batteries out to use for something else, so I will go get some new ones for you and you will be operational." Whew....I knew, then, however, that I needed to step up my knowledge base in electronics a bit.
Matt's high school requires each student to purchase a new laptop computer for use at school...they include it in the fancy enrollment price for the freshman. With said computer came a free iPod. Everyone else in this house has an iPod, so Matt and Mark decided that I would be the recipient of said freebie. They know me well, figuring I would give it away or donate it, so they had my name engraved on the backside so I would need to keep it. We picked it up yesterday and last night Matt did all the computer work to get it set up. This morning after the 6:00 a.m. practice, he said, "Mom, let's do it...what do you want me to put on that iPod for you?" Hmmm...I reached for the nearest CD (yes, I do have CDs and not just my old vinyl albums and tape cassettes, very funny as I know you were all thinking that), and much to my absolute delight, it was Def Leppard's Hysteria, one of my very favorites. I have to tell you, this iPod thing is REALLY GREAT! Being led kicking and screaming into most new things, dinosaur that I am, I LOVE this thing...absolutely LOVE IT! Won't everyone be surprised when I show up with this new little toy at the swim meet this weekend? It should make those swimmers all come in with faster times just from the shock of it all...those boys have been trying to drag me into the 21st Century for years now. I have held my ground well. Who knows...I may have to get my act together and modernize on a few other things around here...might. (P.S. Her name is Lily (like lilypad, only Lilypod...you all know how I love flowers!)