When Matt was doing his report on the Great Pyramid golf course, he did a Google Earth search to see what it would look like...very interesting and fun to see, I might add. I just finished looking at it. I said, "Can you Google Earth us?" He looked at me and said, "Well, Mom, I could, but Dad said never to show it to you as it was the sort of thing that would just send you right over the edge." Right over the edge???? This is a term my family uses in reference to the house being even a miniscule messy when someone drops by...I actually think they are being a little unfair about this, but there might be a little truth in there somewhere. So, what, I am wondering can be so bad about Google Earth and our address? Matt caved under pressure and those of you who know me well...you will not believe what is on Google Earth...they flew over and took the photo on the ONE DAY A YEAR when we take absolutely everything out of the garage and sweep it down, sort, and spiff it all up. The entire driveway is lined with stuff from the garage! Can you even believe it??? He was right...I may have to call the Google Earth people and ask for a retake!