It has dawned on me lately that we have two sons who will be 15 soon. How did that happen so quickly? We have one son with dark blonde hair, beautiful get-lost-in-them blue eyes, and a spirited knack for making everyone laugh. Our other son is handsome, over six feet tall with broad shoulders, dark hair and deep brown eyes, and is always charming and nice to everyone. It does not escape our notice these days that when girls are around, heads are turning toward them. At lunch yesterday with fellow moms, discussion ran along the lines of blooming girl/boy relationships, another mom asked me if my boys were interested in girls yet and I said, "Yes. Definitely. If said girl can play a decent round of golf, swim at least a mile on any given day, play bass, or make a fire by rubbing two sticks together, they are interested. If you are talking about the boy/girl thing...we are not quite there...and we are really in no hurry to see that on the horizon anytime soon." I am thinking this is going to be the last summer that doing things with Mom and Dad has any sort of priority whatsoever. I intend on enjoying it fully.